Books may be returned for a period not exceeding 21 days by members. When book is required for a longer time then books should be renewed.
Notices of reminder for the return of books etc. are usually sent as soon as they are due.
Dictionaries, maps and other books required for constant reference can be borrowed by the Head of Division/Section for a longer duration provide that such documents are constantly required by Officer concerned in his day to day work.
Latest issues of periodicals/magazines will not be issued and may be consulted in the reading Room of the Library. Back issues may be issues may be issued for two days only but these are likely to be recalled earlier if urgently required in the Library.
Borrowers must return books before proceeding a long leave.
Dog- earing the pages of a book, making /writing therein with ink or pencil, tearing/taking out pages or otherwise damaging will constitute an injurious to the book. Any such injury at the time of borrowing the book. He/she shall be required to replace the book or pay the price.
Director (Library) has discretionary power refusing to lend any document.