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Government of India


Your search returned 28 results.

International monetary reforms-issues facing developing countries

by Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi RIS 1987Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 332.4566 R432I.

Macro economic profile of developing countries

by Research and Information system for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (India).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi R I S. 1988Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 330.1 R432M.

Development of research and information system in the third world proceedings of the second RIS conference

by Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing countries (1985: New Delhi).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi Research and Information System 1985Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 327.174022 R432D.

Non-project lending by the world bank its evolution from programme to policy based lending M Narasimham

by Narasimham,M | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (Delhi).

Series: RIS occasional paper; no28Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi Research and Information syetem 1989Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 332.1532 R433N.

Structural adjustment lending a preliminary analysis: (policy based lending of the World Bank) Dragoslav Auramovic

by Auramovic, Dragoslav | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (Delhi).

Series: RIS Occasional paper; no 27Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi Research and Information System 1989Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 332.1532 R433S.

Determinants of traditional and new forms of foreign investments the case of Indian manufacturing Nagesh Kumar

by Nagesh Kumar | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries.

Series: RIS Occasional paper; no. 24Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi Non Aligned and other Developing Countries 1989Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 332.67354 R433D.

Resources, employment and development financing producing without destroying the case of Brazil Ignacy Sachs

by Sachs,Ignacy | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (New Delhi).

Series: RIS occassional paper; 29Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi RIS 1989Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 331.120420981 R433R.

A New economic and social order for women and children in the 21st century a plea from Asia

by Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (New Delhi).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi RIS 1995Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 305.43095 R433N.

Interdependent growth with global equity strategy for the 1990s

by Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other developing countries (New Delhi).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi RIS 1989Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (2)Call number: 338.911716 R432I, ...

Macroeconomic performance and policy framework in the SAARC countries a review S N Raghavan

by Raghavan, S N | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing countries.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi Interest Publications 1990Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (2)Call number: 339.5095 R142M, ...

New perspectives in North-South and South-South economic relations

by Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (New Delhi).

Series: RIS occasional paper no. 1Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi RIS 1985Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 338.9182 R432N.

A profile of activities

by Research and information system for the Non-aligned and other developing countries (New Delhi).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi Research and Information System 1992Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 607.254 R433P.

Biotechnology revolution and the third world challenges and policy options

by Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (New Delhi).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi RIS 1988Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 338.162 R432B.

Regional integration and development Panacea or pitfalls? Percy S Mistry

by Mistry, Percy S | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (New Delhi).

Series: RIS occasional paper; no.47Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi RIS 1995Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 382.7 M678R.

UNCTAD VII and the global challenge a report brought out on the eve of the seventh session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva, 9-13, July 1987

by Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (New Delhi).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi RIS 1987Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 382 R432U.

Aid in the 1990's with special reference to the World Bank and IDA J L Bajaj

by Bajaj, J L | Research and Information System For the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (Delhi) | Panchamukhi, V R.

Series: RIS Occasional paper; no 30Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi Research and Information System 1990Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 332.153 R433A.

Developing countries in the International Division of Labour in design Engineering and Construction services the case of India Nagesh Kumar

by Nagesh Kumar | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries | Waslekar, Sundeep.

Series: RIS occasional paper; no 45Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi RIS 1994Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 331.7620954 R433D.

Resource mobilisation for South Asian development role and rationale of substantial international transfers Kalyan M Raigupta

by Raigupta, Kalyan M | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (New Delhi) | Gupta, Purnima M.

Series: RIS occasional paper; no. 40Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi RIS 1993Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 336.200954 R433R.

Trade liberalisation the tariff-foreign price paradox Rajesh Mehta

by Mehta, Rajesh | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (New Delhi) | Nambiar, R G.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi The Author 1989Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 382.71 R433T.

Economic cooperations in the SAARC region potential, constraints and policies V R Panchamukhi

by Panchamukhi, V R | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and other Developing countries | Mohanty, S K | Rao, V L.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi Interest 1990Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (2)Call number: 337.1 R432E, ...

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