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Government of India


Your search returned 7 results.

Bharat mein jaanankikiya pratikriya ek kaal-sthnik vishaleshan Shiv Narayan Gupt

by Gupt, Shiv Narayan.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Varansi Prama 1989Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 312.0954 G977B.

The Unsmoothed age data of the 1931 Indian census S N Agarwala

by Agarwala, S N | Institute of Economic Growth (Delhi).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Delhi Institute of Economic Growth 1963Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 312.0954(31) I59U.

Census of India, 1971 tribal wood-carving in India M K Pal

by Pal, M K (Comp.) | India. Minsitry of Home Affairs. Office of the Registrar General.

Series: Series I-IndiaMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi Ministry of Home Affairs ca. 1972Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 312.0954N I39C.

District census handbook Panipat R K Aggarwal

by Aggarwal, R K (Ed.) | Haryana. Directorate of Census Operations.

Series: Haryana series; 8Material type: Text Text Publication details: Haryana Govt. Press 1994Other title: Census of India, 1991: Haryana.Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 312.0954558(91) H343C.

District census handbook Guntur

by Andhra Pradesh.

Series: Andhra Pradesh series; 2Material type: Text Text Publication details: Hyderabad Govt. Press 1995Other title: Census of India, 1991: Andhra Pradesh.Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 312.095484(91) A552C.

Provisional population totals

by India.Ministry of Home Affairs.

Series: Census of India series;1Material type: Text Text Publication details: Delhi Govt.Press 1971Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 312.0954(71) I39C.

Census of India, 1971 K Chockalingam

by Chockalingam, K | Tamil Nadu.

Series: Series ;19- Tamil NaduMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: Delhi Manager of Publications 1973Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (2)Call number: 312.0954TN I39C, ...

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