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The Economics of public education Charles S Benson

by Benson, Charles S.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Boston Houghton Miffin 1961Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 330.19379 B474E.

Shiksha ke samajik aarthik pratimaan Shubhas Singh Yadav

by Yadav, Shubhas Singh.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Jaipur Sublime 1994Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 370.19341 Y12S.

Restless nations a study of world tensions and development

by Council of World Tensions (London).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: London George Allen and Unwin 1962Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 338.9 C855R.

Investment in education and social choice Tapas Majumdar

by Majumdar, Tapas.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1983Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 338.4337 M234I.

Schooling, skills and the returns to government investment in education an exploration using data from Ghana Paul Glewwe

by Glewwe, Paul.

Series: Living standards measurement study working paper; no. 76Material type: Text Text Publication details: Washington World Bank 1991Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 338.433709667 G558S.

Pricing policy in the social sector cost recovery for education and health in developing countries Emmanuel Jimenez

by Jimenez, Emmanuel.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Baltimore John Hopkins University Press 1987Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 338.433621091724 J61P.

Economics of education research and studies George Psacharopoulos

by Psacharopoulos, George (Ed.).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Oxford Pergamon Press 1987Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 338.4737 P974E.

Education economic growth and income distribution Jozet Maria Mathias Ritzen

by Ritzen, Jozet Maria Mathias.

Series: Contributions to economic analysisMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: Amsterdam North-Holland 1977Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 339.2 R615E.

Initiative, enterprise and economic choices in India a study of the patterns of entrepreneurship Vinod K Agarwal

by Agarwal, Vinod K.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi Munshiram Manoharlal 1975Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 338.720954 A261I.

Optimal economic growth and non-stable population Evert Van Imhoff

by Van Imhoff, Evert.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Druk Krips Repro Meppel 1988Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 338.900724 V258O.

Some aspects of economic development W Arthur Lewis

by Lewis, W Arthur.

Series: The Aggrey-fraser-Guggisberg memorial lectures; 1968Material type: Text Text Publication details: Ghana Ghana 1969Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (2)Call number: 338.9 L677S, ...

General report on the first plan of modernization and equipment

by France.Republique Francaise. Presdence Du Conseil.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Paris Republique Francaise 1946Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 338.944 F815G.

The Concept of educational technology a dialogue with yourself W Kenneth Richmond

by Richmond, W Kenneth (Ed.).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: London Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1970Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 370 R553C.

Qualitative aspects of educational planning C E Beeby

by Beeby, C E (Ed.) | United Nationas Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Paris);International Institute for Educational Planning (Paris).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Paris UNESCO 1969Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 370 U58Q.

Economic and social aspects of educational planning

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Paris).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Paris UNESCO 1964Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 370 U58E.

Educational planning a world survey of problems and prospects

by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Paris).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Paris UNESCO 1970Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 370 U58E.

Research for educational planning notes on emergent needs William J Platt

by Platt, William J | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Pris).

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Paris UNESCO 1970Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 370 U58R.

The Economics of education John Vaizey

by Vaizey, John.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: London Faber and Faber 1962Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (2)Call number: 370 V132E, ...

Education in the modern world John Vaizey

by Vaizey, John.

Series: World University libraryMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: London Weidenfield anmd Nicolson 1967Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 370 V132E.

The control of education John Vaizey

by Vaizey, John.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: London Faber and Faber 1963Availability: Items available for loan: NITI Aayog Library (1)Call number: 370 V132C.

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