NITI Aayog Library

(National Institution for Transforming India)

Government of India


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Quote of the day

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. ~ Benjamin Franklin
New Arrivals

Online Journals(User ID based) e-Tools/Platform (User ID based)
 Economist  Grammerly (Writing Tool)
 Harvard Business Review  Knimbus Platform (Remote Access)
 Coal Insight  Stat Craft (Statistical Tool)
 Foreign Affairs  Stata 18 (Statistical Tool)
 Foreign Policy  Turnitin (Anti Plagirism Software)
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Subscribed Database (IP based)
 EPWRF India Time Series (EPWRFITS)
 India Stat
 Press Reader
 World Bank e-Library
Subscribed Database (User ID based)
 Sage Database
E-Book (IP Based)
 Hindi Books - Sage
 Hindi Books and Magazines - NotNul
 English Books - Jstor
E-Book (User ID based)
 English Books - Perlego
Open E-Resources
 Directory of Open Access Journals
 National Digital Library of India
 National Mission on Libraries
 IMF e-Library
Video Resources
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